
This website uses its own and third-party cookies to improve your experience and for anonymous traffic analysis.

Cookies are small data files containing information that are stored on your computer and sent back and forth between your browser and a website. Some cookies are necessary for websites to function, while others are used to analyze your movements on a website. Some cookies are deleted when you close your browser, some are stored for a limited period of time and others are stored permanently. A cookie is not a program and does not contain viruses.

Here you can read about the cookies we use on

‍ GoogleAnalytics - cookies
‍ We
use Google Analytics to collect knowledge about how our users use the website. Google Analytics has a cookie that anonymously records your IP address and information about the number and time of your visits to our website. Google Analytics also records which page you visited before, e.g. if you came to the site via a search engine.
We use Google Analytics cookies to optimize our website.

Here you can read Google's privacy policy:
you can opt-out of cookies from Google Analytics:‍

‍Personal data
‍Personal data
will never be passed on to third parties unless you explicitly consent to this. Personal data is never collected unless you have provided this information yourself via forms on the website.

‍Contactregarding personal data
If you want access to the information registered about you at, incorrect data has been registered, or you have other objections, please contact Here you can also object to a registration in accordance with the rules of the Personal Data Act.

‍Protectionofpersonal data
According to the Personal Data Act, your personal information must be stored securely and confidentially, and your personal information is stored on computers with limited access. As there is a risk of unauthorized access to information when data is stored electronically, we cannot guarantee 100 percent security when transferring data over the internet. You therefore provide your personal data at your own risk. You can withdraw your consent at any time. You have the right to complain about the processing of information and data concerning you.

Complaints must be submitted to: The Danish Data ProtectionAgency, cf. section 58(1) of the Danish Personal Data Act.Read more at
The Danish Business Authority's information on cookie legislation

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Dopago city of customer segments

We serve a wide range of customer segments already, and more are being added all the time. Because our solutions are scalable and can be adapted to all kinds of different needs and wants, we can make a difference in terms of optimization, streamlining and generally creating value for our customers in their daily lives - optimization, streamlining and generally creating value for our customers in their daily lives.